Mobile Game Development + Win Free Unity iPhone/Android License
Posted on August 15th, 2010 2 commentsHey folks,
Every 4 months, we’ll cover a “new theme” … an area of games that may be useful and interesting to experimental game developers. In the past, we’ve done things with Alternate Reality Games and Social Games…now we’re going to focus on mobile game development.
Every week, we’ll focus on topics related to mobile game design and mobile game development. By the end of the 4 months, the goal is to spec out the unique aspects of the mobile design space.
To kick things off, we’re announcing a Unity iPhone/Android basic game license contest. You can enter the contest by doing one of the following…
a) Write an article about mobile game design/development that will be posted on the blog…it can discuss a mobile game you’ve worked on
b) Do an on-show interview about your current/previous indie/mobile game
c) Help to get someone else interviewed for the show…if you know another game developer that preferably does mobile games and would like to be interviewed, help set that up 🙂The contest will go on until October 7th, 2010. The winner will be announced on October 15th, 2010.
Enjoy 🙂
Using Electroserver To Make an Online MMO
Posted on January 11th, 2010 1 commentMike talks about the benefits of using Electroserver for your Indie MMO
You can download the podcast here…
http://www.indiegamepod.com/podcasts/engage-expo-electro-server-interview.mp3Or listen to it here…
Free IPhone SDK Contest + The Benefits of Unity
Posted on August 19th, 2009 No commentsTom, from Unity 3D, talks about their cross platform game development tools
You can download the podcast here…
http://www.indiegamepod.com/podcasts/cc-unity-interview.mp3Or listen to it here…