Experimental Game Dev Interviews — The First Game Dev Podcast Ever
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  • A High Schooler’s Successful Mobile App Studio

    Posted on May 12th, 2011 IndieGamePod No comments

    A high schooler talks about runnin’ a mobile app studio and his first mobile game, Fuzz Blast

    You can download the podcast here…

    Or listen to it here…


  • Using Corona To Make an Android Mobile App in 15 Minutes…

    Posted on March 2nd, 2011 IndieGamePod 2 comments

    Hey folks,

    We’re going to do some app tutorials to help encourage more app experiments within the community…

    The first tutorial is doing a simple monkey tricks app. The goal here is to make a simple app that has a monkey that does tricks when you tap it on your phone 🙂

    Let’s get started…first we’re going to use Corona…it’s a cross-platform mobile tool that allows for development for both Android and iPhone. It uses Lua as the primary language.

    You can download it here…

    First we need a monkey…let’s add that first 🙂

    Now we also need a background…a place for the monkey to have fun 🙂

    Let’s do that next…
    The cool thing about Corona is that there are already pre-made modules to help make simple apps. One of them is the “Director” class…you can download it here…

    The director class abstracts things so that each “screen” in the app is a new file. Very simple and an easy way to conceptualizing things.

    In our case, we’ll only have one screen…and that will be the Monkey doing tricks against the background.

    Corona has some transition effects we can use to easily rotate and move items. They are like a Tweening class.

    You can read more about the transitions here…

    Now, let’s initialize the code in screen1.lua that allows us to add things…here’s a cutout of the code…
    the “–” denotes comments in Lua 🙂

    local localGroup = display.newGroup()

    — Background…this is the background from above
    — Corona allows us to do this easily with display.newImage
    local background = display.newImage(“zoobg.png”, 0, 0, true)

    — Title for the screen, for now, we’ll keep things empty
    local title = display.newText(“”, 0, 0, native.systemFontBold, 24)
    title:setTextColor( 0,0,255)
    title.x = 160
    title.y = 20

    — Here is the main part…we create a monkey image
    monkeyBtn = display.newImage(“pet-monkey.png”)
    — We create a function that will do a monkey trick when the player touches the monkey
    local function monkeyBtnt ( event )
    if event.phase == “ended” then
    — Get a random number
    local moveID = math.random(0, 3)
    — We do a monkey trick based on the random number
    if(moveID == 0) then
    transition.to(event.target, {time=250, x = math.random(0, 310), y=math.random(0, 440), rotation=360 })

    elseif(moveID == 1) then
    transition.to(event.target, {time=150, x = math.random(0, 310), rotation=180 })

    elseif(moveID == 2) then

    transition.to(event.target, {time=250, x = math.random(0, 310), y=math.random(0, 440), rotation=360 })

    elseif(moveID == 3) then
    transition.to(event.target, {time=250, x = math.random(0, 310), y=math.random(0, 440), rotation=360 })


    — Now we say that when someone touches the monkey, we call the monkeBtnt function made above
    monkeyBtn:addEventListener(“touch”, monkeyBtnt)
    monkeyBtn.x = 100
    monkeyBtn.y = 320
    monkeyBtn.isVisible = true

    — We’ll also add a close button that allows the player to close the app
    local exitScene = 0
    local closeBtn = display.newImage(“close.png”)
    local function closeBtnt ( event )
    if event.phase == “ended” then
    if(exitScene == 0) then
    exitScene = 1
    — We have a “touch” event listener that gets called when someone taps the close button
    closeBtn.x = 300
    closeBtn.y = 20
    closeBtn.isVisible = true

    — Runtime:addEventListener(“enterFrame”, showTimer)

    — MUST return a display.newGroup()
    return localGroup

    That’s it! We’re done…very simple. Once again, this is because of Corona and the director class that allows us to abstract things.

    Now that we’re done, we can generate the .apk easily and put it on Android.

    It’s now on the Android market…it got a one-star rating…because someone felt it was too simple. But still…not bad for 15 minutes of work.

    Here’s a screenshot…

    You can download the source and code here…
    Enjoy 🙂